Saturday, March 20, 2010

a poem form 2005

came across this today on an old account i
used to have on vampirefreaks.....

Cocaine Blues

In one split-second
instant regret coursed
through my veins.
dissolving mercilessly
in my nose, laying waste
to 3 years of abstinence.
Shaking as The sweat
from my palms moistens my face
i hold my head in my hands.
My stomach turns at the
memory of the night before.
i feel so profoundly pathetic.
Streched-out, and thin
squandering my life on substance.
Strung out
wondering why
my life has gone no where.
It tempted me until i gave in.
coaxing me with empty promises
of instant fulfillment.
Only to afterwards
feel so fragile and weak-minded
and empty....
i am powerless!
Addiction never goes away,
it never gets any easier. It doesn't fade away
it lingers on like a tragic memory.
I will always be an addict.
Addiction is dealt with every
waking second at a time.
Minutes feel like days and
days seem like millenia.
It is a never-ending hell
of frustration and remorse.
All i have left is my regrets

food sex

i got a kick out of this picture i ran across.


Friday, March 19, 2010

a poem Gushing Fuck with Sex

Gushing Fuck with Sex

To be fucked from the back when your dripping blood not only from your cunt but your neck where he bit you his shoulder where you dug your claws in seeping red liquid onto your own his beautiful fingers smearing it across you face making you taste it to taste yourself and him as one. He grabs your hair throws you down when you cry out beg for mercy but want the fuck the feel, the taste and the cum. Dripping down your chin, your throat his smile faded with a groan you moan and scream his name only a towel answers wiping up the sticky from your chin and neck and chest. Rolling over to the wet spot see it's not clear but sickly crimson soaked in sweat and blood can't move to save your sinner's life. Oh god, to be FUCKED. xX~liz~Xx